Thursday, 27 August 2009

Stranmillis Rd, Belfast

There's a wee alley at the start of the Stranmillis Road with some great Graffiti in it. Here's my favourites.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Menagerie Bar, University St, Belfast

These pieces of graffiti are in a yard out the side of the Menagerie Bar.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Entrance to the Lagan Meadows, Stranmillis

The graffiti on the generator has changed again. Here's the new pictures.


I was in Cushendall recently and there wasn't much there graffiti-wise, a few people's names scrawled on walls. The only good stuff I found was this one a public toilet in a car-park. It had been done by a local community group.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

South Parade, Belfast

This Graffiti is all from an alleyway behind South Parade, which links the Ormeau Road with Ravenhill Road in Belfast. Most of it is faded so it looks like it hasn't been used much in years.

River Maine, Tow Path - Galgorm, Ballymena

Queens University Belfast